Teachers Statistics By Earning, Training, Burnout, Workload, Age Group, Challenges And Facts

Maitrayee Dey
Written by
Maitrayee Dey

Updated · Oct 11, 2024

Aruna Madrekar
Edited by
Aruna Madrekar


Teachers Statistics By Earning, Training, Burnout, Workload, Age Group, Challenges And Facts


Teacher Statistics: Teachers are very important because they help shape the future by educating young people. The teaching profession faces many challenges and opportunities that affect how teachers teach and support their students. As the demand for quality education increases, many schools are using technology in classrooms to improve learning.

It is important to understand what teachers are facing today so that we can create better policies that help them and improve education for all students. This article examines key statistics, trends, and insights about the teaching profession in 2024 and highlights the need to support teachers in their efforts to promote learning and growth.

Editor’s Choice

  • Teacher Statistics show that in 2024, the global teacher shortage will affect many countries. An estimated 69 million teachers are needed worldwide to meet education demands, especially in low-income areas.
  • The average teacher-to-student ratio in developed countries is approximately 1:14, while in developing nations, it can be as high as 1:40 or more.
  • In primary education, women will still be dominating the teaching profession, making up about 70% of the workforce globally.
  • As of 2024, the average annual salary of public school teachers in the United States of America will remain between USD 50,000 and USD 70,000.
  • Approximately 8% to 10% of teachers in the U.S. leave the profession each year due to burnout, low pay, and lack of administrative support.
  • Meanwhile, Teachers in developed countries work an average of 50 to 55 hours per week, including time spent on lesson planning, grading, and extracurricular activities.
  • Teacher Statistics further states that in 2024, governments worldwide allocated an estimated USD 30 billion for professional development.
  • Around 85% of schools globally have incorporated technology into their teaching methods, such as online platforms, tablets, and virtual classrooms.
  • In contrast, in the U.S., about 20% of public school teachers identify as non-white in recent years.
  • On average, global educational spending will reach almost USD 4.9 trillion by the end of 2024.

General Teacher Statistics

  • As mentioned in Teacher Statistics, in 2024, over 60% of teachers don’t want their children to become teachers.
  • Over the last 28 years, American teachers’ weekly pay has only gone up by USD 29.
  • In 28 states, teachers earn less than 80 cents for every dollar that people with similar college educations make.
  • This pay gap, or “wage penalty”, will range from 2.4% in Rhode Island to 35.9% in Colorado in 2024.
  • As of 2023, the number of teachers who are “very satisfied” with their jobs has almost doubled, reaching 20%.
  • At the same time, around 44% of teachers already quit their jobs.
  • Teacher Statistics from 2022 to 2023 show that over the next ten years, there will be more than 109,000 job openings each year for Kindergarten and elementary school teachers.
  • A report by the National Council on Teacher Equality shows that teacher mentorship jobs will be the best way to earn extra money in 2024.
  • In recent years, out of 140 districts across the country, 42% of school districts have asked for teachers to have two or more years of mentoring.
  • A teacher with a bachelor’s degree earns USD 4,400, and a teacher with a master’s degree who has been teaching for ten years earns USD 5,500.

Facts About Teachers

  • The World Teachers’ Day is being celebrated on October 5th each year.
  • There will be a 7% increase in jobs for Kindergarten and elementary teachers by the end of 2030, resulting in 124,300 teacher vacancies.
  • Meanwhile, the total number of high school teachers will increase by 8%, creating 77,400 new jobs in the future.
  • Based on the Career Explorer report, 60% of teachers said they are happy with their jobs, while 36% are not.
  • More than half of K-12 teachers have master’s degrees, accounting for 51% of all teachers.
  • 75% of teachers have experienced health problems related to stress.
  • In recent years, most people around the world, about 89% of teachers, agreed that teaching is a difficult job.
  • Teacher Statistics estimated that in previous years, burnout rates were high because three out of four teachers had to take on extra duties due to staff shortages.

Teachers Statistics By Elementary And Secondary Schools U.S.

Number Of Teachers In Public And Private Elementary And Secondary Schools In The United States From 2023 To 2031(Reference: statista.com)

  • In 2024, around 3,200K teachers worked in public elementary and secondary schools, while 484K teachers worked in public in the United States.
  • Similarly, by 2031, the total number of teachers in public and private elementary and secondary schools will be around 3,188K and 487K.

Top EdTech Tools Used In K-12 Schools

Share Of Edtech Solutions Most Accessed By Students And Teachers In K-12 Schools In The United States During The 2023-24 School Year(Reference: statista.com)

  • Teacher Statistics further mentioned that in the 2023-24 school year, 15% of K-12 students and teachers in the U.S. used sites and resources.
  • Besides, at the same time, the share of edtech solutions most accessed by students and teachers in K-12 schools are supplemental platforms (13%), I.T. management (13%), study tools (13%), classroom management and assessment (10%), reference and digital collections (8%), learning management system (5%), classroom instruction (5%), general and pervasive tools (5%), creation and authoring tools (5%), courseware platforms (5%), learning materials and supplies (3%) and student data and analytics (3%).

Teachers Statistics With The Minimum Required Qualification By Region And Level

Teachers Statistics with the Minimum Required Qualification by Region and Level(Source: tcg.uis.unesco.org)

  • In 2024, the proportion of trained teachers in North America, Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean will be approximately 65%.

Furthermore, other regional analyses of 2024 are stated in the table below:

North America95% (bachelor’s degree)98% (bachelor’s)95% (bachelor’s or master’s)
Europe93% (diploma or higher)97% (bachelor’s)94 to 96% (bachelor’s or master’s)
Sub-Saharan Africa55% (certificate or diploma)68% (diploma or bachelor’s)60% (bachelor’s)
Asia90-95% (East Asia) and 65% (South Asia)95% (East Asia) and 70% (South Asia)90-95% (East Asia) and 65-70% (South Asia)
Latin America85%80%

Teacher Registration Statistics

  • Teacher Statistics represents that in Q2 2024, the global teacher registration rate reached approximately 88%, indicating that most educators are adhering to local and national registration requirements.

The table below elaborates on the regional breakdown of teacher registration rates in the same period.

RegionRegistration Rate
North AmericaThe U.S. and Canada (95%)
EuropeOverall (93%)
Finland & Germany (98%)
AsiaEast Asia: Japan & South Korea (92%)
South Asia (85%)
Sub-Saharan AfricaOverall (68%)
South Africa (80%)
Latin America and the Caribbean78%
Middle East and North Africa75%

Elementary And Secondary Teacher’s Statistics

Elementary and Secondary Teacher’s Statistics(Source: nces.ed.gov)

  • As per Teachers Statistics, the total number of elementary and secondary teachers grew by 6% from 1999 to 2012.
  • Meanwhile, it is expected to grow by 10% from 2012 to 2024.
  • On the other hand, the total number of teachers in public elementary and secondary schools grew by 7% from 1999 to 2012 and will grow by 11% between 2012 and 2024.

Pupil And Teacher Ratios In Elementary And Secondary Schools, By Control Of School

Pupil and Teacher Ratios in Elementary and Secondary Schools, by Control of School(Source: nces.ed.gov)

  • The pupil or teacher ratio in elementary and secondary schools went down from 15.9 to 15.6 between 1999 and 2012.
  • Teacher Statistics further states that, based on school control, it will drop further to 14.9 in 2024.
  • In contrast, the teacher ratio in public schools decreased from 16.1 in 1999 to 16.0 in 2012 and will be 15.3 by the end of 2024.
  • Similarly, in private schools, the pupil-to-teacher ratio went down from 14.7 to 12.5 (between 1999 and 2012) and is estimated to drop further to 11.9 in 2024.

New Teacher Hires Statistics By Control Of School

Actual And Projected Numbers For Elementary And Secondary New Teacher Hires, By Control Of School: Fall 1999, Fall 2012, And Fall 2024(Reference: nces.ed.gov)

  • Teachers Statistics also show that the total number of new teachers hired is expected to grow by 17% from 2012 to 2024, reaching 375,000.
  • At the same time, in public schools, the number of new.
  • Teacher hires will increase by 19%, resulting in 293,000.
  • Moreover, in private schools, new teacher hires are estimated to reach 10% growth, accounting for 81,000.

Teachers Earning Statistics

Teachers Earning Statistics(Source: enterpriseappstoday.com)

  • In 2023, a public school teacher in the U.S. earns about USD 65,090 a year.
  • Meanwhile, high school teachers earn USD 67,340, and elementary teachers earn USD 465,420.
  • On the other hand, public school teachers earn 30% more money than private school teachers.

Teacher’s Statutory Salary Statistics By Experience Level, 2024

Top Scale SalaryStarting SalaryAfter 10 YearsAfter 15 YearsTop Scale SalaryStarting SalaryAfter 10 YearsAfter 15 YearsTop Scale SalaryStarting SalaryAfter 10 YearsAfter 15 Years
Pre-Primary EducationPrimary EducationUpper Secondary Education
Australia77 02847 981687106888975 48647 9916794969 5137560347 99067 81869369
Austria86 52649 646526255891010212049 6465985261 854
Canada72 73442 1576981972 73472 73442 1576981972,734
Colombia49 07823 4014267742 67749 07823 401426774267749,07823 4014267742,677
Chile47 33525 57531 5623839447 33525 57531 5623839449 07726 4463272339 729
Costa Rica37 12824 363286183074537 49824 6042890231 05138 65325 3552978832004
Denmark52 26146 55252 26152 26161 47353 3645929461 47365 55550 44465 55565 555
England55 72634 73255 72655 72634 73255 72655 72634 73255 726
European Union (25 countries)53 62632 541390614258658 74235 175426824689463 47436 9854598650082
Finland35 95532 66435 61635 95548 64237 407428834588856 38042 1915066153 189
France58 75134,611.038 6514068358 75134 61138 6514068362 16937 72041 76043 792
Greece40 21320 387247932699640 21320 387247932699640 21320 3872479326996
Hungary27 59716 13718 17319,52027 59716 13718 1731952030 66316 1372019321 689
Italy48 01532 981361603958448 01532 981361603958455 10635 4474008444,235
Ireland70 24436 281502866090270 84036 2815028661 498
Israel65 31426 6133486537 81454 69523 561298643360656 50127 87632 53139 321
Japan58 56228 611405324734960 10628 6114053247 349
Korea94 48933 615507805934694 48933 615507805934694 54933 6755084059406
Luxembourg12657671 6479266310460412657671 64792663104604141 14481 200101500112008
Latvia17 90217 03917 039
Lithuania43 19533 0273410237 94643 19533 0273410237 94643 19533 02734 10237 946
Mexico42 69421 8022729434 04742 69421 8022729434 04762 68151 01058 74662 681
New Zealand56 12534 89056 12556 12556 12534 89056 12556 125
Norway48 58839 3374785447 85455 48943 10851 72751 72762 68851 09656 55756 557
Netherlands99 71548 8056962479 30099 71548 8056962479 30099 71748 66273 95984 862
Portugal73 97834 31141 73644 27773 97834 31141 73644 27773 97834 31141 73644 277
Poland32 77819,2352576631 44732 77819 2352576631 44732 77819 23525 76631 447
Spain63 91044 65048 51651 71563 91044 65048 51651 71571 23549 90554 24357 758
Switzerland86 33856 4297036792 59260 87475 791117 00176 31898 468
Slovenia53 50431 1873687646 34357 59531 18738 21348 06257 59531 18738 21348 062
Sweden49 45742 3744443045 13257 04243 00147 45149 58359 04845 13249 23251 275
Scotland55 09643 8955509655 09655 09643 8955509655 09655 09643 89555 09655 096
Türkiye50 48946 33347 69147 06350 48946 33347 69147 06350 97846 82248 18047 551
United States76 98545 9315095368 90578 19044 9926105466 25175 98848 18763 02669 641
OECD57 11834 5634306345 98161 07536 3674678249 96865 65839 27450 84153 456
Romania39 72123 30027 79229 96939 72123 30027 79229 96939 72123 30027 79229 969

Teacher Statistics By Age Group

  • In the United States of America, the average age of a teacher has been about 42 years old in recent years.
  • The largest share of teachers accounts for 56.9% of those aged from 30 to 49 years.
Age (years)Teachers share
Below 3015%
30 to 4956.9%
50 to 5411.6%
55 and above16.5%

By Gender

  • According to Teacher Statistics, in 2024, around 74.3% of American teachers will be female, and males will account for 25.7%.

Furthermore, other share of teachers by gender in 2024 are followed as:

Types of SchoolMaleFemale
Pre-Primary Education5%95%
Primary Education15%85%
Secondary Education43%57%
Public Schools24%76%
Private Schools34%66%
Charter Schools35%65%
Special Education23%77%

By Race/Ethnicity

  • In the U.S., around 79.3% of teachers are white or non-Hispanic, while other teachers’ shares by race in recent years are stated below.
EthnicityTeacher’s Share
Black or African American6.7%
Two or African American1.8%
Native American/Alaska Native0.5%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander0.2%

Global Teacher Hires Statistics By Region

Global Teacher Hires Statistics by Region(Source: statista.com)

  • A report published by UNESCO shows that in Southern Asia, total teacher hires are 178% of the 2022 teacher count.
  • Meanwhile, by 2030, in this region, replacement teachers will number 5.6 million, and new teachers will number 9.4 million.
  • Teacher Statistics also elaborated that by the end of 2030, around 4.7 million new teachers will be needed, and 3.1 million will need replacing. Still, only 52% of this need was met in Southern Asia in 2022.

The table below estimates the number of primary and secondary school teachers hired needed until 2030 by other regions:

RegionReplacement TeachersNew Teachers
Europe and North America4.5 million0.3 million
Southeast Asia4.0 million0.5 million
North Africa and West Asia2.5 million1.8 million
Eastern Asia2.3 million1.0 million
Latin America and the Caribbean2.8 million0.4 million

Teacher Time Spent Statistics By Country

  • Teacher Statistics further reports that the average weekly time spent by teachers in the U.S. will be up to 53 hours.

Furthermore, representations are detailed in the table below in 2024:

CountryAverage Weekly HoursTeaching HoursPreparation and Other Duties
United States532231
United Kingdom552332
South Korea482325

Teacher Shortage Statistics

Teacher Shortage Statistics

  • As USA Today mentions, around 86% of public schools will find it difficult to hire enough teachers for their classrooms in 2024.
  • However, schools in poor areas still lack teachers, but other districts improved, with understaffing reduced to 45% from 53% in 2023.
  • In the next two years, almost 35% of teachers might leave their jobs.
  • Around 35% of public schools are very worried about finding substitute teachers when needed.
  • Teachers earn 23.5% less money compared to other people who graduated from college with similar qualifications.
  • According to the U.S. Department of Education and the National Education Association, almost 45 states are expecting teacher shortages in three important subjects: special education, mathematics, and science.
  • At least 30 states are also expecting an insufficient number of teachers in language arts, world languages, English as a second language (ESL), career and technical education, physical fitness, and social studies in 2024.
  • In the academic year 2023 to 2024, nearly 37% of public schools will have at least one unfilled teacher position, and 45% will have at least one open non-teaching position.

By Highest States of the U.S.

StatesTeachers Vacancy
New York6,500+
North Carolina3,800+

By Lowest States of the U.S.

StatesTeachers Vacancy
Rhode Island500
New York5,000
New Jersey2,500

Teacher Statistics By Teachers’ Impact On Students

  • As per recent studies, a typical teacher will influence over 3,000 students during their career.
  • Around 88% of people have claimed that their teachers had impacted their lives positively.
  • Meanwhile, 87% of people would like to thank their teachers more for all the help and support they have given them.
  • 83% of students accepted that a teacher helped them feel more confident and better about themselves.
  • Teacher Statistics further showed that around 79% of students stated that their teachers had encouraged them to follow their dreams.
  • In contrast, almost 75% of students think teachers are mentors and role models who guide and support them in their learning journey.
  • 54% of students say a teacher has helped them during a hard time.

By Life as a Teacher

  • As mentioned in Teacher Statistics, teachers spend about USD 750 each year on school supplies for their classrooms.
  • In the U.S., teachers spend about 998 hours teaching in the classroom in 2024.
  • During the same period, nearly 18% of teachers have second jobs during the school year, much higher than the 4.5% of U.S. workers.
  • About 89% of people believe that being a teacher is a challenging task and requires a lot of effort.

Teacher Training Statistics

  • Teacher Training Statistics in 2024 reports that approximately 85% of teachers worldwide have received some form of pre-service training.
  • Based on the regional breakdown, about 95% of teachers in North America are trained, followed by Europe (92%), Sub-Saharan Africa (68%), and Asia (90%).
  • As of 2024, around 40% of teachers globally participated in in-service training programs.
  • In developed and developing countries, around 40% and 25% of teachers globally participated in in-service training programs, respectively.
  • In teacher training programs, governments and organizations invested approximately USD 25 billion.
  • 50% of teachers used online professional development courses for training purposes.
  • Meanwhile, 94% of teachers are certified with the necessary training and have passed the required assessments.
  • In contrast, only 60% of teachers in many low-income countries hold a formal certification.
  • Teacher Statistics show that 30% of newly trained teachers will participate in mentorship programs in 2024.
  • 45% of teachers receive subject-specific training in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).
  • By the end of 2025, 90% of teachers will receive formal training across the world.

Teachers Burnout Statistics

Labor Force Exits, Projected 2020-26 Annual Average(Reference: thinkimpact.com)

  • In recent days, thousands of teachers have quit their jobs due to burnout. From 2020 to 2026, it is estimated that around 48,300 elementary school teachers will quit in the U.S.
  • During the same period, the expected number of teachers quit their jobs in secondary school (32,400), middle school (21,600), special education (16,600), and Kindergarten (6,900).

Teachers Workload Statistics

Teachers Workload Statistics(Source: pewresearch.org)

  • Around 84% of teachers have claimed that they lack time during work hours for grading, planning, and emails, which is segmented into 88% (elementary school teachers), 83% (middle school teachers) and 78% (high school teachers).
  • It becomes difficult for teachers to complete other chores during working hours, as 24% often have to do non-teaching tasks, like lunch duty or hallway monitoring.
ReasonsTeachers major shareTeachers minor share
Having too much work81%17%
Often spend more time helping students outside the classroom22%50%
Performing non-teaching duties such as hallways or lunch duty24%42%
Need to cover for another teacher’s class when they aren’t available16%35%
  • Teacher Statistics states that 70% of K-12 teachers remained very or somewhat understaffed, followed by 27% (neither understaffed nor overstaffed) and 2% (very/somewhat overstaffed).

Teacher Statistics By Challenges

Challenges Faced By Teachers(Reference: airteachr.com.au)

  • A report analyzed by AirTeachr shows that the main challenge faced by teachers is lack of respect, which accounts for 40% of them worldwide by the end of 2023.
  • In addition, other challenges faced by teachers are safety concerns (25%), unmanageable workload (20%), Dwindling satisfaction (15%), and desire for influence (10%).

Strategies For Teacher Collaboration In 2024

  • 71% of teachers in schools using Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) reported improved student performance.
  • Schools providing 3+ hours per week for collaborative planning see a 20% increase in student achievement.
  • Teacher Statistics show that 65% of teachers who engage in peer observations feel more supported in their teaching.
  • The usage of platforms like Google Classroom increased by 45% among teachers for collaborative projects.
  • In 2024, schools with mentorship programs report a 25% higher retention rate of new teachers.
  • Around 50% of teachers collaborating across subjects noted greater student engagement.
  • Schools with defined collaborative goals saw a 30% improvement in overall teacher satisfaction.
  • Collaborative efforts involving families lead to a 15% increase in student attendance.


Teachers are essential to the educational system, influencing the lives of students and shaping future generations. However, many problems can make their work harder. These problems include high workloads, the need for more teachers, and inconsistent support from schools.

As we look ahead, it is essential to recognize how crucial teachers are. We need to create policies that help meet their needs. This means investing in teacher training, reducing their workloads, and building a supportive environment. When we support teachers, we not only help them but also improve students’ education.


How do teachers support student learning?

Teachers support learning by designing engaging lessons, providing instruction, giving helpful feedback, creating a positive classroom environment, and helping students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

How do teachers handle classroom management?

  • Setting Clear Rules: Make sure all students understand the rules and expectations for behaviour.
  • Creating a Positive Atmosphere: Foster a friendly and supportive environment by which students feel safe and encouraged.
  • Addressing Disruptive Behavior: Use strategies to manage and correct any behaviour that disrupts learning.
What are the benefits of being a teacher?

It ensures a positive impact on students’ lives, helps students develop a love for learning, and often offers opportunities for professional growth and advancement.

Maitrayee Dey
Maitrayee Dey

Maitrayee, after completing her graduation in Electrical Engineering, transitioned into the world of writing following a series of technical roles. She specializes in technology and Artificial Intelligence, bringing her experience as an Academic Research Analyst and Freelance Writer, with a focus on education and healthcare under the Australian system. From an early age, writing and painting have been her passions, leading her to pursue a full-time career in writing. In addition to her professional endeavors, Maitrayee also manages a YouTube channel dedicated to cooking.

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