Part-Time Vs Full-Time Employment Statistics By Geography, Sex, State and Facts

Maitrayee Dey
Written by
Maitrayee Dey

Updated · Oct 09, 2024

Aruna Madrekar
Edited by
Aruna Madrekar


Part-Time Vs Full-Time Employment Statistics By Geography, Sex, State and Facts


Part-Time Vs Full-Time Employment Statistics: In recent years, the traditional working hours from 9 am to 5 pm have become one of many options available for global employees. There are several options available that enable flexible working arrangements, such as part-time or full-time employment. Both employment options offer several advantages and disadvantages, which make it crucial to consider and understand personal and professional goals before making a decision.

This article on part-time vs full-time Employment Statistics will elaborate on the key differences between part-time and full-time employment analyses and current trends of 2024, which will help you to determine which path best lines up with your needs and aspirations.

Editor’s Choice

  • In 2024, part-time workers make up 25% of the global workforce, while full-time workers represent the other 75%.
  • Part-time vs full-time Employment Statistics further show that the number of part-time workers grew by 4% globally in 2024, mainly in the retail and healthcare sectors.
  • Meanwhile, full-time workers usually make 65% more money each year compared to part-time workers on average.
  • By the end of this year, full-time workers in the U.S. will earn USD 56,310, while part-timers will make USD 21,950.
  • In the U.S., 85% of full-time workers get health insurance from their employer, but only 30% of part-time workers do.
  • Similarly, Full-time workers stay in their jobs 20% longer than part-time workers, who switch jobs more often.
  • In 2024, women will make up the majority of part-time workers, making up 63% of the total part-time workforce worldwide.
  • On the other hand, full-time workers are 50% more likely to get benefits like paid leave, retirement plans, and bonuses than part-time workers.
  • Part-time vs Full-time Employment Statistics further State that 70% of part-time workers choose their job for work-life balance, while only 35% of full-time workers do.
  • In 2024, 45% of part-time workers have a college degree, while 60% of full-time workers have higher education.
  • The underemployment rate for part-time workers is 15%, much higher than the 5% rate for full-time workers.

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General Part-time Vs Full-time Employment Statistics

  • Full-time workers make up about 75% of the world’s workforce, while part-time workers make up 25%, or 875 million, of the 3.5 billion employed people globally.
  • Over 26 million people in the U.S. work part-time; 14 million of them are women over 20.
  • In 2024, part-time retail employees comprise 29% of the total retail workforce, and the food industry employs 32.8% of workers in part-time roles.

Part-time Vs Full-time Employment Statistics(Source:

  • A report published by VettaFi Advisor Perspectives on part-time vs full-time Employment Statistics shows that since 1968 when only 13.5% of U.S. workers had part-time jobs.
  • Meanwhile, the number of part-time workers has grown to 17.5% after more than 55 to 56 years (in 2024).
  • At the same time, full-time jobs accounted for 82.5% of all employment.
  • In August 2024, the number of full-time workers dropped by 438,000, while the number of part-time workers grew by 527,000.

Percentage Of Part-Time Workers In The U.S(Reference:

  • In 2023, around 17% of workers in the U.S. have part-time jobs, followed by full-time workers, with a share of 63.1% and unemployed people (14.7%).

Part-Time Vs Full-time Employment Statistics By Pros And Cons Of Part-Time Employment

As of 2024, around 70% of part-time employees in the U.S. reported that flexibility and better time managementThe average annual income for part-time workers in the U.S. was USD 21,950
50% said that flexibility is the main reason they chose part-time roles.Only 30% of part-time workers in the U.S. had access to employer-sponsored health insurance
About 20% of part-time employees were enrolled in education programs.On the other hand, 20% higher chance of experiencing job turnover
In the U.S., 40% of part-time employees also worked full-time jobs or had side businesses.In a 2024 survey, 45% of part-time employees reported fewer chances for career growth.
30% of new hires in the retail and hospitality sectors were part-time employees.The underemployment rate for part-time workers was 15%
Nearly 35% of employees in 2024 reported they felt less stressed.Meanwhile, almost 25% of part-time employees reported that their work schedules varied week-to-week.

Pros And Cons Of Full-Time Employment

Full-time workers have a 20% higher job retention rate compared to part-time employees in 2024.In the U.S., workers work an average of 40 to 45 hours per week, and many report high levels of stress due to their workload.
The median annual wage for full-time workers in the U.S. is expected to be USD 56,310.Only 40% of full-time workers in 2024 report having flexible working arrangements such as remote work or flexible schedules.
85% of full-time employees offered health insurance.Full-time workers in the U.S. pay 15 to 30% of their income in taxes, depending on their salary bracket.
Full-time workers, 40% will receive professional development and training opportunities.70% reported difficulties in maintaining a good work-life balance due to long hours and rigid schedules.
Almost 82% receive paid vacation.45% are currently experiencing job burnout in 2024.

Part-Time Employee Comparison In The Last Four Years

Part-Time Employees(Reference:

YearsEconomic reasons (Involuntary)Noneconomic reason (voluntary)
20234069 (12%)30800 (88%)
20223,930 (11%)30,297 (89%)
20214,914 (15%)27,760 (85%)
20207,227 (21%)27,358 (79%)

Part-Time Employees Working Less Than 35 Hours By Reasons

2023 Part-Time Employees: Reasons For Working Less Than 35 Hours(Reference:

  • In 2023, the percentages of part-time involuntary and voluntary employees working less than 35 hours were 11.7% and 88.3%, respectively.
  • The reasons for involuntary employees’ fewer working hours are slack work or business conditions (8.1%), cloud-only finding part-time work (2.7%), seasonal work (0.6%), and jobs that started or ended during the week (0.3%).
  • Meanwhile, voluntary employees’ reasons for working fewer hours are child-care problems (3.5%), other family or personal obligations (13.7%), health or medical limitations (3.3%), school or training (17.3%), retirement or social security limit on earnings (8.3%), and all other reasons (42.2%).

Long-Term Employment Trends By Age And Gender

In the fiscal year 2024, long-term employment trends by age and gender in the U.S. represent different patterns below:

  • Around 55.5% of people aged 16 to 24 are working or looking for work, while 83.9% of people aged 25 to 54 are active, as they are in their career prime.
  • Part-time vs full-time Employment Statistics further state that Men in this group have an LFPR of 85.1%, while women reached a record 73.3%, surpassing previous peaks.
  • Among older workers, those aged 65 and over have seen a significant rise in employment participation since the early 2000s.
  • Older cohorts, such as ages 50-74, have continued to show growth in workforce participation.

Part-Time Vs Full-Time Employment Statistics By Geography

In Part-Time Employment, 2024

CountryEmployment RateNumber of Employees
United States17%26 million
European Union19.40%41 million
United Kingdom25.10%8.5 million
Australia31%4.2 million
Canada18.90%3.7 million
Japan15%8.5 million
New Zealand24%650,000
South Africa12%2 million

In Full-Time Employment, 2024

CountryEmployment RateNumber of Employees
United States61.3%125 million
European Union68%210 million
United Kingdom74.5%24 million
Canada65%15.5 million
Australia67%9.5 million
Japan76%58 million
China68.5%650 million
India48%330 million

Distribution Percentage Of Part-Time Vs Full-Time Employment Statistics By Sex

Percent Distribution Of Workers Employed Full- And Part-Time By Sex(Reference:

The above analyses of the United States of America of 2024 are detailed in the table:

Full-time EmployeePart-time Employee
Share (43.6%)Share (63%)
Men (69,461)Men (9,099)
Share (56.4%)Share (37%)

By Race

Full-time EmployeePart-time Employee
White55,284 (88.5%)40,507 (76.6%)7,162 (11.5%)12,388 (23.4%)
Black7,331 (87.4%)7,775 (82%)1,060 (12.6%)1,706 (18%)
Asian4,552 (90.3%)3,557 (80.9%)489 (9.7%)839 (19.1%)
Hispanic13,184 (88.7%)8,505 (76.7%)1,673 (11.3%)2,590 (23.3%)
Total69,461 (88.4%)53,727 (77.6%)9,099 (11.6%)15,508 (22.4%)

Percentage Of Employed By Ethnicity

Percentage Of Employed 16 To 64 Year Olds Who Were In Full Time And Part Time Employment, By Ethnicity(Reference:

  • Part-time vs full-time Employment Statistics show that Indians and other white people have the largest share in full-time employment at 82%, followed by Asians at 82%.
  • Meanwhile, Pakistani and Bangladeshi workers secured the highest share of part-time employment, 30%.

Furthermore, other ethnicity share of full and part-time employment are stated below:

Pakistani and Bangladeshi30%69%
Asian other22%77%
White British24%76%
White Other18%82%

Labor Force Participation Rate Statistics

Labor Force Participation Rate Statistics(Source:

Gender & AgeParticipation rate,
in July 2024
25 to 64 years79.2%
65 years19.3%

Comparison Between Part-Time And Full-Time Employee Consideration In 2024

Employee CriteriaPart-TimeFull-Time
Hours Worked per WeekLess than 30 hours30-40+ hours
Annual Working HoursLess than 1,560 hoursApprox. 1,560 – 2,080 hours
Paid Time Off (PTO)Offers fewer PTO days (e.g., 5-10 days)Typically offers more PTO (e.g., 15-20 days)
Health Benefits EligibilityMay not be eligible for full coverageUsually eligible for full health benefits
Wage PaymentHourly, typically lower hourly wageSalaried or hourly; often higher hourly wage
Job SecurityOften, there is less job security, especially in temporary rolesGenerally, more job security
Overtime EligibilityEligible after working beyond 40 hours/weekEligible for overtime beyond 40 hours/week

Part-Time Vs Full-Time Employment Statistics By Employment Laws Applied On Both

Names of employment lawsCurrent Statistics, 2024
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) – USA
  • It is estimated that about 65 million workers in the U.S. are covered by the FLSA, with 24% working part-time.
  • Overtime violations have been reduced by 8% since the law’s stricter enforcement.
Employment Rights Act 1996 – U.K.
  • The number of claims made by part-time workers for unfair dismissal increased by 12%.
  • About 6 million part-time employees in the U.K. benefit from these protections.
Part-Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000 – U.K.
  • 60% of employers reported better retention of part-time workers due to increased awareness of fair treatment regulations.
  • Part-time employment accounts for 27% of the total workforce in the U.K.
Affordable Care Act (ACA) – USA
  • The number of part-time workers receiving health insurance has increased by 15% in 2024 due to ACA enforcement.
  • 80% of employers with 50+ employees now provide healthcare options to part-time workers.
Equality Act 2010 – U.K.
  • Reports of workplace discrimination against part-time workers decreased by 7%.
  • The act benefits 42% of the workforce in the U.K., including part-time and full-time employees.
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) – USA
  • 25% of FMLA leave claims in 2024 came from part-time employees.
  • Over 55 million workers are eligible for FMLA, and 60% of eligible part-time workers are aware of their rights under the law.
National Minimum Wage Act 1998 – UK
  • 3.5 million part-time workers in the U.K. benefited from minimum wage increases.
  • The compliance rate for part-time wage payments increased by 5% in the past year.
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) – USA
  • Workplace injuries for part-time workers decreased by 10% due to better compliance with OSHA standards.
  • OSHA covers around 130 million workers, including part-time employees.
Working Time Regulations 1998 – U.K.
  • Part-time workers taking legal rest breaks increased by 9%.
  • Over 9 million part-time workers in the U.K. benefit from these regulations.
Employment Standards Act – Canada
  • 20% of the Canadian workforce is part-time, and the number of employment law violations reported by part-time workers dropped by 6% due to better enforcement.
  • The ESA covers 18 million workers across the country.


U.S. Monthly Employment Level Statistics

U.S. Monthly Employment Level Statistics(Source:

  • In August 2024, around 161.35 million people had jobs in the United States, fewer than the number working in the previous month.

Part-time vs full-time Employment Statistics further State that the employment level of the U.S. from 2023 to 2024 is followed in the table below:

Year (Month)number of part-time employees (million)
2024 (January)159.65
2023 (January)158.69

U.S. Full-Time Employees Statistics


  • In 2023, around 134.06 million people had full-time jobs in the United States, which is back to the level it was before the pandemic.
  • The nation will have approximately 134.4 million full-time employees by the end of August 2024.

U.S. Part-Time Employees Statistics


  • A report published by Statista elaborates that in August 2024, about 26.95 million people in the United States worked part-time.

The table below shows the monthly number of part-time employees in the United States from August 2023 to August 2024:

Year (Month)Number of part-time employees (million)
2023 (August)25.98
2024 (January)28.1

Minimum Wage Statistics Of Part-Time Vs Full-Time Employment Statistics 2024, By State

Minimum Wage Rates In The United States In 2024, By State(Reference:

  • The federal minimum wage in the U.S. is USD 7.25 per hour, but each State has its minimum wage, which can be different in 2024.
  • As of January 1, 2024, the highest minimum wage in the U.S. was secured by the District of Columbia, resulting in USD 17 per hour, followed by Washington (USD 16.28), California (USD 16), Connecticut (USD 15.69) and New Jersey (USD 15.13).
  • Furthermore, other State’s minimum wage rates in the United States in 2024 are detailed as Maryland (USD 15), Massachusetts (USD 15), Colorado (USD 14.42), Arizona (USD 14.35), Maine (USD 14.15), Rhode Island (USD 14), Illinois (USD 14), Hawaii (USD 14), Vermont (USD 13.67), Delaware (USD 13.25), Missouri (12.3), Nebraska (USD 12), New Mexico (USD 12), Florida (USD 12), Virginia (USD 12), Alaska (USD 11.73), Nevada (USD 11.25), South Dakota (USD 11.2), Arkansas (USD 11), Minnesota (USD 10.85), Ohio (USD 10.45), Michigan (USD 10.33), Montana (USD 10.3), West Virginia (USD 8.75).
  • Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Texas, Lowa, Indiana, Utah, Idaho, New Hampshire, North Dakota, North Carolina, Kansas, and Wisconsin, each country, made up USD 7.25 in wages per hour.

Part-Time Vs Full-Time Employment Statistics By Gender


  • In 2023, around 75.5 million men had full-time jobs, while 58.56 million women were working full-time in the U.S.
  • Furthermore, during the same period, the number of part-time women and men employees was 16.98 million and 10 million, respectively.
  • It is estimated that full-time employment for men and women will be around 76.3 million and 59.2 million, respectively, by the end of 2024.
  • Meanwhile, the employment of part-time women and men will turn up to 35 million and 23 million.

By Industry

Number Of Employees In The United States In August 2024, By Industry(Reference:

  • According to part-time vs. full-time employment statistics, as of August 2024, almost 22,975 people worked in Professional and business services in America.
  • Meanwhile, other industries’ number of employees in the same period is followed by health care and social assistance (22,573.4), Leisure and hospitality (16,976), Retail trade (15,650.4), Local government (14,895), Manufacturing (12,927), Construction (8,280), Finance and insurance (6,754.7), Transportation and warehousing (6,624.4), Wholesale trade (6,182), Other services (5,911), State government (5,447), Private educational services (3,864.7), Federal government (2,997), Information (2,993), Real estate and rental and leasing (2,503.6), Mining and logging (635) and Utilities (589.7).

Job Satisfaction And Job Security Statistics On Part-Time Vs Full-Time Employment

Part-time EmploymentFull-time Employment
Full-time employment has higher job satisfaction.58%75%
Job security is stronger for full-time employees60%82%
Paid benefits and vacation time30%90%
Work-life balance challenges for part-time workers45%25%
Part-time workers face job insecurity40%20%
Career advancement opportunities50%50%
Job satisfaction differences by age and gender70%55%
Earnings and income stability60%40%
Stress levels40%20%

Types Of Part-Time Jobs And Income Statistics, 2024

Job TypeAverage Hourly Income
Retail SalespersonUSD 14.50
Food Service WorkerUSD 12.60
Customer Service RepresentativeUSD 17
Driver (Delivery/Rideshare)USD 20
Tutor/Teacher’s AideUSD 18
Administrative AssistantUSD 19.50

Types Of Full-Time Jobs And Income Statistics, 2024

Job TypeAverage Hourly Income
HealthcareUSD 81,400
Information TechnologyUSD 105,550
EngineeringUSD 95,060
Finance and InsuranceUSD 87,850
EducationUSD 61,000
RetailUSD 33,000
ConstructionUSD 59,290
ManufacturingUSD 79,000
Transportation and WarehousingUSD 47,620

Several Factors Influence The Demand For Both Part-time And Full-Time Employment In 2024

  • Part-time vs full-time Employment Statistics in 2024 show that part-time employment grew by 2.97% compared to 2023, reaching 28.16 million in the U.S.​(YCharts).
  • However, high inflation rates in 2024 have increased demand for part-time work as individuals seek second jobs to supplement income ​(BLS GOV).
  • Around 23.7% of the long-term unemployed in the U.S. were older adults reentering the workforce, which influences demand for part-time work.
  • As of September 2024, unemployment among teenagers was 14.3%.
  • At the same time, the Healthcare and Social Assistance sectors contributed significantly to an increase of 254,000 in nonfarm payroll employment.


There are various factors available that have shaped the demand for the part-time and full-time employment market, which will influence the demand for part-time and full-time jobs. Full-time employment remains essential in sectors such as healthcare, where stable job roles are required. Full-time jobs are popular in sectors like healthcare, where steady employment is needed. Part-time jobs are in demand in industries like retail and hospitality.

Economic conditions, such as inflation, push more people to work part-time, with around 28.16 million part-time workers in the U.S. in 2024. Flexibility, wages, and technological changes also influence job preferences. This article on Part-time vs full-time Employment Statistics includes current trends and analysis from different perspectives that highlight the importance of both employment types in the evolving labor market.


How has technology affected part-time vs full-time work?

The growth of the gig economy has led to an increased demand for part-time work, especially in flexible roles such as ridesharing and freelance positions in the tech sector.

Are part-time workers paid less than full-time employees?

Part-time workers often have lower annual earnings due to working fewer hours, but their hourly wages can be comparable to full-time employees, depending on the industry and location.

Can a part-time job turn into full-time employment?

Some companies transition part-time employees into full-time positions, depending on their performance and the company’s operational needs.

Maitrayee Dey
Maitrayee Dey

Maitrayee, after completing her graduation in Electrical Engineering, transitioned into the world of writing following a series of technical roles. She specializes in technology and Artificial Intelligence, bringing her experience as an Academic Research Analyst and Freelance Writer, with a focus on education and healthcare under the Australian system. From an early age, writing and painting have been her passions, leading her to pursue a full-time career in writing. In addition to her professional endeavors, Maitrayee also manages a YouTube channel dedicated to cooking.

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