Braintree Statistics By Country, Usage And Traffic Insights, Traffic And Marketing Insights And Employee Rates

Updated · Dec 18, 2024

- Introduction
- Editor’s Choice
- Braintree Statistics By Country
- Braintree Usage And Traffic Insights
- Total Number Of Braintree Websites By Country
- Braintree Traffic And Marketing Insights
- Braintree Company Size
- Braintree Employee Rates
- Economic Inactivity In Braintree
- Braintree Feeding PayPal Growth
- PayPal Braintree Achieves Milestone
- Conclusion
Braintree Statistics: Braintree is a payment platform owned by PayPal. It is the world’s best-known end-to-end payment processing solution and tools for developers. Nine years prior, Braintree was acquired by PayPal; hence, it became a PayPal payment platform. Like many other platforms, Braintree offers the same kind of online payment service, along with some other extensions. It has grown among businesses globally.
Below is an overview of the performance and Braintree statistics for 2024, together with important figures and insights.
Editor’s Choice
- Braintree statistics reveal that 41.15% of Braintree users come from the United States, but the %age is declining at a rate of 20.31%.
- Ages 25-34 years are the largest user demographic at 29.01%, with 18-24 years following with 19.57%, then 35-44 years at 21.38%.
- Users aged over 45 years, including those aged between 45-54 years, 55-64 years, and 65 years and above, comprise a significantly smaller portion.
- Braintree cuts across genders, with 45.16% being female and 54.84% being male.
- Latest trends show that there might be a slight pivot to the more male crowd (58.52%). Last year’s statistics showed that Braintree received 97% of its traffic from desktop devices, while mobile accounted for only 3%.
- Traffic nosedived in August 2023, a drop of 57.3% from the previous month.
- The USA is perched on top of supported websites with 8,605, with Taiwan and Hong Kong following behind.
- Braintree statistics show that Much of Braintree’s 99.72% organic traffic comes from referrers like fashion (20.72%), technology websites (20.52%), e-commerce (12.36%), and social media platforms like YouTube (29.44%).
- Most companies that use Braintree are small to medium-sized companies, which include 6,983 companies with 1-10 employees.
- There were even more: 5,879 companies between 10-50 employees and 3,130 companies between 50-200 employees.
- In December 2023, 75.6% of Braintree residents between ages 16-64 put themselves formally into employment compared to last year, when it was 79.7.
- The unemployment rate in Braintree has climbed from 2.3 % in 2022 to 3.5 %. In 2023, circa 20.9% of the Braintree population aged 16-64 were not engaged in any form of economic activity.
- According to Braintree statistics, the UK’s level of economic inactivity was 21.2%. However, PayPal’s processed transactions grew by 13% to 5.8 billion, thanks to Braintree’s transactional growth.
- The operating expenses of PayPal increased to 6.04 billion dollars, a rise of 4.7%, and the operating margin increased from 11.2% a year ago to 14.2%.
- PayPal Braintree has tokenized more than a billion cards, making its vaults one of the largest in the industry.
- The operation of network tokens has increased card authorizations by 2% and reduced transaction latency by 119 milliseconds, offering merchants a quicker and safer checkout process.
Braintree Statistics By Country
Country | Website |
United States | 41.15% |
United Kingdom | 6.51% |
India | 5.37% |
Poland | 2.73% |
Ukraine | 2.52% |
Others | 41.72% |
- Braintree statistics indicate that Roughly 41.15% of users in the United States prefer Braintree; however, this %age is declining at a rate of 20.31%.
- The above figure is rising in the UK and India, with 6.51% and 5.37% of users, respectively. This indicates that both countries are experiencing high growth rates of 55.35% and 59.51%, respectively.
- While Poland sheds Braintree with a mere 2.73% of users, the share is decreasing by 2.27%. At the same time, there are 2.52% of users in Ukraine, which marks an impressive growth of 354.1%.
- For the rest of the countries with little adoption, the global contribution comes to just about 41.72%.
- Looking according to age, the number of users in the 25-34 years age group is the highest, accounting for 29.01%. In addition, users under the 18-24 years age group and those under 35-44 years contribute 19.57% and 21.38%, respectively.
Braintree Usage And Traffic Insights
- Braintree statistics state that roughly 23% of Braintree users fall in the age range of 45 to 54, whilst those aged 55 to 64 comprise 9.46%, and individuals aged 65 and older account for 5.34%.
- In terms of gender distribution, 45.16% of users are female, and 54.84% are male.
- However, they are being overtaken by the trend at the moment as men make up 58.52% of recent users compared to 41.48% of females.
- Last year, 97% of Braintree traffic was from desktop devices: 76k visits compared to 3% (2k visits) mobile.
- The traffic numbers for the platform reached a high of 78.7k visits across the globe in August 2023, which is a significant drop of 57.3% from the 184.1k visits recorded the previous month, July 2023.
- This primarily used organic sources to drive this traffic to the Braintree Payment Gateway. It is a third-level channel for user recruitment.
Total Number Of Braintree Websites By Country
Country | Website |
United States | 8,605 |
Taiwan | 3,671 |
Hong Kong | 1,261 |
United Kingdom | 942 |
Canada | 564 |
Australia | 548 |
Poland | 477 |
Italy | 331 |
France | 320 |
Germany | 285 |
Rest of the World | 3,992 |
- According to Braintree statistics, it is also favored by about 8,605 supported websites in the United States. Following the US are Taiwan and Hong Kong, which have 3,671 and 1,261 websites supported by Braintree, respectively.
- 942 UK websites are offering Braintree Payment Methods, while Canada has 564 websites using Braintree. Similar figures for Australia and Poland are 548 and 477, respectively.
- In Europe, it has 331 in Italy, 320 in France, and 285 in Germany. Other countries together add up to a meager number of about 3,992 websites throughout the world.
- Braintree’s website bounce rate is 41.33%, and the average time users spend per session on this platform is 7 minutes and 59 seconds.
Braintree Traffic And Marketing Insights
- Braintree received almost 1 million unique global visits in the given month of October 2022, which was a decrease of 2.07% compared with 1.1 million visits in September and August 2022.
- The website has 99.72% of its traffic coming from organic sources, leaving only 0.28% from paid sources. 20.72% accounted for global traffic referrals from fashion and apparel websites, while computer and technology websites were almost at par with them at 20.52%.
- Braintree statistics reveal that E-commerce and shopping contributed 12.36% of the referral traffic, while websites on financial planning and management and email referrals comprised 6.72% and 6.63%, respectively. Other miscellaneous sources contributed the remaining 33.04%.
- In terms of social media referrals, the top three include YouTube, which leads at 29.44%, followed closely by LinkedIn at 23.51%, and Stack Overflow, which is the last social media with 15.30%.
- Facebook and WhatsApp referrals comprised 12.38% and 10.06%, respectively.
- Analyzing the marketing distribution channels, it is good to see that direct traffic is way up front, with 68.96%, leaving 26.33% referrals and 2.05% search engines.
- Social media accounts for 1.10% and email traffic for 1.55%, while display marketing channels make only 0.01%.
- Also, the number of people using this payment platform worldwide is 25,130 since these are mostly large companies.
Braintree Company Size
- Braintree statistics show that Braintree is predominantly used by approximately 6,983 companies with 1 to 10 employees.
- 5,879 companies with 10 to 50 employees and 3,130 businesses use Braintree for online payments and have 50 to 200 employees.
- There are a total of 612 companies with 200 to 500 employees, while those with 500 to 1,000 employees total 254 companies.
- For greater companies, at 1,000-10,000 workers, they would amount to 221, 63, and 113 companies, respectively, within different groups.
Braintree Employee Rates
- Braintree statistics show that in December 2023, the employment account of individuals aged 16 to 64 years in Braintree was 75.6%, which is a record drop from December 2022, when it had recorded a job rate of 79.7%.
- Furthermore, the figure for the entire East of England was 77.5% employment among those aged 16 to 64 years as of December 2023, again down from 78.3% a year before.
- In Braintree, nearly 74100 people aged 16 and above were in employment during the year ending December 2023, displacing an estimated 82300 in the previous year.
- Population change affects the accuracy of estimates of employment, unemployment, and economic inactivity for this region.
- Unemployment figures are modeled to provide better estimates beyond relying solely on Annual Population Survey responses.
- According to Braintree statistics, in Braintree, about 2700 unemployed people aged 16 and above were recorded in the year ending December 2023, giving an unemployment rate of 3.5% compared to 2.3% at the end of December 2022.
- The unemployment rate across the East of England rose from December 2022 to December 2023 from 2.8% to 3.6%.
- The number of unemployed in the region rose during this period from approximately 89,200 to 118,000.
- At a national level, total unemployment in Great Britain slightly shifted upwards from 1.18 million persons or 3.6% in December 2022 to 1.24 million persons or 3.7% in December 2023, the latter being counted among the unemployed.
- Distinguish unemployment from those economically inactive because one is seeking a job available for work, while the latter would not be looking for a job because of various reasons such as retirement, sickness, or study.
- Thus, both the employment and unemployment rates could rise simultaneously as more enter the job market and start looking for jobs.
- The unemployment rate is the proportion of unemployed members of the total economically active populations (people who are either in employment or looking for work), while the employment rate considers all working-age populations, including all those whose economically inactive-wall may be numbered.
Economic Inactivity In Braintree
- Fewer survey responses are taken for calculating economic inactivity for Braintree than other areas, and estimates are less accurate for this area.
- These estimates are solely for informative purposes, and any conclusions drawn should take such inaccuracies into account.
- Braintree statistics show that During the year ending December 2023, 20,000 people aged between 16 and 64 in Braintree, or a staggering 20.9% of this group’s value, were termed economically inactive.
- An “economically inactive” individual does not work but does not fit within the specific types of being “unemployed”: Labor has not been sought in the last four weeks’ worth or is not available to begin working within two weeks.
- General causes of economic inactivity are being retired, looking after children, or being temporarily or permanently sick or disabled.
- Across the entire East of England, to the 12 months ending December 2023, 19.4% of people aged 16 to 64 were classified as economically inactive, a fairly consistent %age from the year preceding this one.
- Nationally, in Great Britain, the rate of economic inactivation was 21.2% in the year ending December 2023, which was 21.5% the previous year.
Braintree Feeding PayPal Growth
- According to Braintree statistics, in the last quarter of processing transactions, PayPal managed a 5.8 billion total number of processed transactions by obtaining a 13% growth rate in transactions per account.
- The company said growth was due to increased transaction activity from Braintree as well as from its core products. PayPal’s first quarter operating expenses are reported to have grown by 4.7% at US$6.04 billion, mainly as a result of this, as per a press release accompanying the earnings report for the quarter.
- PayPal has also improved its operating margin to 14.2% from 11.2% in the same quarter a year ago.
- All such initiatives include increased engagement of the existing account base.
- At the end of the first quarter, PayPal had 433 million active accounts, 35 million of which are merchant accounts.
- This increased by 1% over the same quarter last year, though it was down slightly from 435 million accounts at the end of last year.
PayPal Braintree Achieves Milestone
- PayPal Braintree has tokenized more than a billion cards worldwide, which makes PayPal’s vault one of the industry’s largest vaults of network tokens.
- Network tokens make secure encrypted traditional card numbers into changing token numbers managed by PayPal and increase the chance for merchants to approve the transactions.
- The advancement reached in conjunction with card networks has seen an increase in average improvement of Card Authorizations by 2% or 200 basis points and has equally enhanced the Average transaction latency of checkout speed by 119 milliseconds.
- Braintree statistics state that a human brain can process images at 13 milliseconds; therefore, this speed improvement can be interpreted as almost seven images in that time.
- Network tokens can be complicated; however, they need little or no integration effort on the merchant’s side, providing an elegant and simple way to raise authorization rates and provide a secure, efficient checkout experience.
As cited in the Braintree statistics, Braintree is one of the world’s leading online payment systems and possesses fewer features compared to other payment gateways. However, with advancing technology, little by little, any business must adopt an online payment solution to gain revenue. Consumers today prefer businesses that provide online payment facilities and will hence patronize only those that offer such services.
Braintree is a widely used payment service provider, which makes it suitable for any kind of business.
41.15% of Braintree users come from the United States. However, there has been a downward shift in this %age at a rate of 20.31% owing to the change in shifting user demographics towards other countries.
The biggest portion of users among Braintree consists of those aged between 25- to 34-year-old users accounting for 29.01% of total users. Next in line with age demography are users who are within the 35-44-year-old range (21.38%), followed by 18- to 24-year-old users (19.57%).
Braintree experienced a drastic drop in traffic in August 2023, falling off the cliff by 57.3% compared to the previous month. However, ampersand traffic is mostly organic, coming primarily through fashion (20.72%), technology (20.52%), and social media (29.44%, mainly via YouTube).
The USA leads with 8,605 websites using Braintree. Other important countries include Taiwan (3,671 websites), Hong Kong (1,261 websites), the United Kingdom (942 websites), and Canada (564 websites).
Processed transactions have increased by 13% to 5.8 billion through a significant contribution from Braintree; improved engagement from Braintree, together with PayPal’s core products, has also helped enhance PayPal’s operating margin to 14.2%.

Saisuman is a professional content writer specializing in health, law, and space-related articles. Her experience includes designing featured articles for websites and newsletters, as well as conducting detailed research for medical professionals and researchers. Passionate about languages since childhood, Saisuman can read, write, and speak in five different languages. Her love for languages and reading inspired her to pursue a career in writing. Saisuman holds a Master's in Business Administration with a focus on Human Resources and has worked in a Human Resources firm for a year. She was previously associated with a French international company. In addition to writing, Saisuman enjoys traveling and singing classical songs in her leisure time.