Abortion Statistics By Demographic, Legal Form, Rate Report And Reasons

Maitrayee Dey
Written by
Maitrayee Dey

Updated · Oct 04, 2024

Rohan Jambhale
Edited by
Rohan Jambhale


Abortion Statistics By Demographic, Legal Form, Rate Report And Reasons


Abortion Statistics: Abortion remains one of the most contentious and deeply personal issues in global reproductive health. It involves the termination of a pregnancy, a decision often influenced by a myriad of medical, socioeconomic, and personal factors. Historically, the legal status and accessibility of abortion have varied significantly across different regions and cultures, reflecting diverse ethical, religious, and political beliefs.

The World Health Organization (WHO) have claimed that when performed under appropriate medical conditions, abortion is a very safe procedure with low complication rates. This article will guide you effectively as it includes all current trends and aspects from different perspectives in recent years.

Editor’s Choice

  •  Abortion Statistics also show that in 2024, it is estimated that approximately 73 million abortions are performed globally each year, representing 29% of all pregnancies, including miscarriages and stillbirths.
  • Women in their twenties accounted for the majority of abortions, making up about 57% of the total in Q1 2024.
  • In the same duration, medication abortions, which involve the use of pills such as mifepristone and misoprostol, accounted for 58% of all abortions.
  • In North America, the abortion rate is approximately 13 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44.
  • The United States contributes significantly to this figure, with an estimated 862,320 abortions performed in 2024. Canada has a lower rate, with around 97,764 abortions.
  • The average cost of a first-trimester abortion in the United States is around USD 500.
  • As per recent studies, globally, around 7 million women are hospitalized annually due to complications from unsafe abortions.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that unsafe abortions account for approximately 8-11% of maternal deaths.
  • In a survey conducted in April 2024, 63% of U.S. adults believed abortion should be legal in all or most cases, up from 62% in 2023.

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Interesting Facts about Abortion

  • Approximately 1 in 4 women in the U.S. will have an abortion by age 45, making it a relatively common medical procedure​.
  • Abortions, particularly in the first Trimester, are extremely safe, with major complications occurring in less than 0.3% of cases.
  • In 2021, medication abortions accounted for 53% of all abortions in the U.S., offering a non-invasive option for early pregnancy termination​.
  • The majority of abortions (93%) occur within the first 13 weeks of pregnancy, significantly reducing the risk of complications​.
  • Access to safe abortions is linked to better economic outcomes for women. Legal abortion is associated with higher educational attainment and greater workforce participation among women​. 

Abortions Safety Statistics

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the risk of death associated with childbirth is approximately 14 times higher than that associated with abortion.
  • Most abortions (93%) occur within the first Trimester, significantly reducing the risk of complications.
  • Early medication abortions (up to 9 weeks gestation) account for 53% of all abortions.
  • As mentioned in Abortion Statistics, globally, about 45% of all abortions are unsafe often performed by untrained individuals using dangerous methods.
  • Only about 2% of women undergoing abortions experience minor complications such as infection or incomplete abortion.
  • Severe complications, such as heavy bleeding or uterine perforation, are extremely rare and occur in less than 0.3% of cases. 

By National Trends

  • In Q1 2024, the number of abortions performed in the United States continued to reflect the complex interplay of state laws, reporting there were approximately 180,000 legal abortions, which increased from 170,000 in 2023.
  • In the same period, as per CDC analyses, the national abortion rate was approximately 12.0 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44, up from 11.6 in 2023

By Demographic Breakdown

  • Abortion Statistics also show that Women in their twenties accounted for the majority of abortions, making up about 57% of the total in Q1 2024.
  • Teenage abortions (under 20) represented approximately 10% of the total, while women aged 30 and above accounted for 33%.
  • Furthermore, around 29% of the abortion rate was made by 25 to 29 years in the fiscal year 2024; other abortion rate by age group includes 28% (20 to 24 years), 20% (30 to 34 years), 13% (35 to 39 years), and 5% (40 years above).

By Racial and Ethnic Breakdown 

  • Black women represented approximately 38% of all abortions despite making up about 13% of the female population in the reproductive age group, as mentioned in Abortion Statistics.
  • Moreover, by the end of 2024, Hispanic women account for around 21% of all abortions and abortions followed by white women (33%) and Other races, including Asian and Native American women (8%).

By Gestational Age 

  • Abortion statistics in the United States for 2024 show that in the first Trimester (≤13 weeks), the vast majority of abortions is almost 90%.
  • Similarly, other gestational age shares by abortion rate include second Trimester (14-20 weeks) = 8%, and third Trimester (≥21 weeks) = Less than 2%. 

By Educational Level

  • As of 2024, in terms of education, women with some college education but no degree represented the largest group, accounting for 36% of all abortions.
  • Women with a high school diploma or equivalent constituted 30%, while those with a bachelor’s degree or higher made up 20%.
  • Women without a high school diploma comprised 14%. 

By Marital Status

  • Based on Abortion statistics in 2024, Unmarried women account for approximately 86% of all abortions.
  • Married women represent about 14% of abortion recipients. 

By Public Opinion

  • In a survey conducted in April 2024, 63% of U.S. adults believed abortion should be legal in all or most cases, up from 62% in 2023.
  • Around 85% of Democrats supported legal abortion, compared to 41% of Republicans.​ 

Medication vs. Surgical Abortions Statistics

  • In the first quarter of 2024, Medication abortions, which involve the use of pills such as mifepristone and misoprostol, accounted for 58% of all abortions.
  • This is an increase from 56% in 2021, reflecting a growing preference for non-surgical methods, especially in states where telehealth services are available for abortion care.
  • Surgical abortions made up the remaining 42%, primarily performed within the first Trimester. 

U.S. Abortion Bans Statistics

US-Abortion-Bans (Source: kff.org)

  • As mentioned in Abortion Statistics, as of July 29, 2024, the status of abortion bans in the United States continues to reflect 14 states have total bans on abortion, allowing very limited exceptions such as cases of rape, incest, or threats to the mother’s life.
  • These states include Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
  • Several states, including Florida and Georgia, have implemented six-week bans, which often take effect before many individuals realize they are pregnant.
  • Around six states have restrictions that limit abortion access after 12, 15, 18, or 22 weeks of pregnancy. These states include Arizona, Iowa, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, and Utah. 

By Region

  • As of 2024, in North America, the abortion rate is approximately 13 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44, in which the United States is estimated to perform 862,320 abortions.
  • Among the same age group people, Europe accounts for around 4.3 million abortions annually, in which the abortion rate in Eastern Europe and Western Europe will be 43 and 16 per 1,000 women, respectively.
  • Abortion Statistics further states that Asia has the highest number of abortions globally, with an estimated 36 million procedures performed annually. Countries like China and India contribute significantly to these numbers due to their large populations and relatively high abortion rates.
  • In Africa, the estimated abortion rate is 33 per 1,000 women, which is approximately 8.2 million abortions.
  • Lastly, at the same duration, Latin America has an abortion rate of 44 per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44, which accounts for around 6.5 million abortions annually.

Medication Abortions Statistics

medication-abortion-accounted-for-more-than-60-of-all-abortions-in-the-formal-u-s-health-care-system-in-2023 (Reference: guttmacher.org)

  • In 2023, a recent research published by the Guttmacher Institute’s Monthly Abortion Provision Study, there were an estimated 642,700 medication abortions in the United States, representing 63% of all abortions performed within the formal health care system.
  • This marks a rise from 2020 when medication abortions constituted 53% of the total abortion procedures. 

By Age and Level of Legalization

share-of-adults-in-the-united-states-who-support-abortion-in-2024-by-age-and-level-of-legalization (Reference: statista.com)

  • In 2024, a Statista survey revealed that 34% of respondents aged 18 to 29 advocated for the legalization of abortion under any circumstance.

The table below details all share of adults in the United States who support abortion in 2024:

Level of Legalizations18 to 29 years30 to 44 years45 to 65 years65 years and older
Abortion should always be legal. There should be no restrictions on abortion.




Abortion should be legal but with some restrictions (such as for minor or late-term abortions).

Abortion should only be legal in special circumstances, such as when the life of the mother is in danger.26%26%31%


Abortion should always be illegal; it should never be allowed.



By Education and Level of Legalization

share-of-adults-in-the-united-states-who-support-abortion-in-2024-by-education-and-level-of-legalization (Reference: statista.com)

Level of levelizationLess than 50,00050,000 to 100,000100,000 or more
Abortion should always be legal29%26%


Abortion should be legal, but with some restrictions

Abortion should only be legal in special circumstances32%30%


Abortion should be illegal



Favorability Toward Legalization of Abortion Statistics

favorability-toward-legalization-of-abortion-as-of-2023-by-country (Reference: statista.com)

  • Among respondents surveyed in 29 countries, Sweden and France had the largest population in favour of abortion.
  • Sweden received the highest favorability rating for the legalization of abortion, with 87% of respondents in favor. This was followed by France (82%), the Netherlands (76%), Spain (73%), and Belgium (73%).
  • Other countries by favorability toward legalization of abortion Hungary (72%), Great Britain (71%), Italy (70%), Germany (69%), Canada (69%), Australia (68%), Poland (63%), Ireland (59%), United States (55%), Argentina (54%), Turkey (48%), South Africa (46%), Japan (46%), Mexico (45%), Singapore (44%), Peru (41%), Thailand (41%), Colombia (39%), Brazil (39%), India (36%), Malaysia (29%), and Indonesia (22%).

By Gender

favorability-toward-legalization-of-abortion-as-of-2023-by-gender (Reference: statista.com)

In the fiscal year 2023, favorability toward the legalization of abortion by gender is detailed below in the table:

Favorability toward legalization of abortionMaleFemale
Legal in all cases23%


Legal in some cases

Illegal in most cases20%


Illegal in all cases

Do not know/Prefer not to say16%


U.S. Opinion on Whether Abortion Should be Legal or Illegal by Religion

(Reference: statista.com)

  • In a 2023 survey, 35% of Americans indicated that abortion should be legal in most circumstances, whereas 29% believed it should be legal in all circumstances, followed by legal in most cases (35%), illegal in most cases (26%), and illegal in all cases (9%).

Moreover, the table below details the share of Americans who say that abortion should be legal or illegal in all or most cases in the United States in 2023 by religious affiliation:


Legal in all casesLegal in most casesIllegal in most cases Illegal in all cases






Black Protestant33%38%18%



Other Catholics of Color26%47%17%


White mainline / non-evangelical Protestant

White Catholic23%39%30%


Hispanic Catholic

Other Pritestant of Color21%31%37%



Hispanic Protestant16%24%365


White evangelical Protestant

Jehovah’s Witness7%18%25%


Latter-day Saint (Mormon)



Support For Legalization of Abortion in the U.S., By Circumstance and Party ID

share-of-adults-who-support-legalization-of-abortion-in-the-following-circumstances-in-the-united-states-in-2023-by-party-id (Reference: statista.com)

  • In the United States in 2023, the share of adults who support the legalization of abortion in the following circumstances, such as if the patient’s health is endangered: independent (63%), republican (55%), and Democrat (81%).

On the other hand, the share of respondents who support the legalization of abortion by circumstances and party I.D. are described in the table.


Independent/no leanRepublican/no repDemocrat/lean dem
If the patient’s life is endangered68%71%


In cases of rape or incest

If the fetus is not expected to survive60%52%


If the fetus is expected to have serious congenital disabilities

For women who do not wish to be pregnant39%19%


Under no circumstances


No answer



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Scotland’s Abortion Statistics By Deprivation Quintile

rate-of-abortion-in-scotland-in-2023-by-deprivation-quintile (Reference: statista.com)

  • In 2023, the abortion rate in Scotland among women in the most deprived quintile was 24.1 per 1,000 women.
  • Meanwhile, based on deprivation quintile, another rate of abortion per 1,000 women in Scotland were Quintile two (20.2), Quintile three (16.2), Quintle four (14.6), and Quintele four (12.4).

Abortion Statistics in India, 2024

  • India reports approximately 16 million abortions annually, with an abortion rate of 48 per 1,000 women of reproductive age (15-49 years).
  • Despite legal frameworks, around 67% of abortions in India are considered unsafe, contributing to nearly eight maternal deaths each day.
  • The Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act allows abortions up to 20 weeks of gestation with the approval of one doctor and up to 24 weeks with the recommendation of two doctors under specific circumstances.
  • Ndia accounts for a significant proportion of the world’s unintended pregnancies, with over 15% of these cases occurring in the country. 

Abortion Statistics By Americans Who Are Pro-life or Pro-choice

(Reference: statista.com)

  • In 2023, a majority of 52% of respondents identified as pro-choice, advocating for the decision to abort a pregnancy to be left to the pregnant woman.
  • Conversely, 44% of respondents identified as pro-life, opposing abortion in all circumstances., followed by mixed/neither (3%).

Number of Abortions Performed in the U.S. By Facility Type

  • In the fiscal year 2024, the majority of abortions, about 60%, were performed at specialized abortion clinics.
  • Around 9% of abortions were performed in private physician’s offices.
  • Hospitals accounted for approximately 5% of abortions.
  • A significant number, about 642,700 or 63%, of all abortions were medication abortions. 

Number of Abortion Providing Facilities By Type

  • There are approximately 800 specialized abortion clinics across the U.S., and these facilities are primarily focused on providing abortion services and often offer a wide range of related reproductive health care.
  • Abortion Statistics show that around 500 hospitals provide abortion services.
  • Approximately 300 private physician’s offices offer abortion services.

Number of Abortion Providing Facilities By State

  • In 2024, Abortion Statistics further stated that the number of abortion-providing facilities in the United States varied significantly, with which California secured 168 facilities.
  • On the other hand, the total number of abortion-providing facilities in the U.S. are estimated to be New York (95), Florida (82), Texas (21), Illinois (52), Georgia (15), Pennsylvania (42), Ohio (25), North Carolina (18), and Washington (29). 

Number of Reported Legal Abortions By State

  • In the United States in 2024, the total number of reported legal abortions accounted for by California resulted in 132,680 abortions.
  • Furthermore, other countries legal abortions by the end of the year are represented as New York (88,750), Florida (79,800), Texas (27,100), Illinois (48,250), Georgia (31,500), Pennsylvania (35,600), Ohio (23,700), North Carolina (24,300), and Washington (28,900). 

Telehealth Abortions Statistics

Telehealth-Abortion-Stat (Source: kff.org)

  • Based on SFP’s May 2024 #WeCount report, telehealth facilitated one in five (19%) abortions in December 2023.
  • This encompasses 48% administered by virtual clinicians, 5% by brick-and-mortar clinics, and 36% prescribed by providers in states with shield laws to patients in states with abortion bans.
  • Additionally, 12% were managed by providers in states with telehealth restrictions. 

Median Cost of Abortion Services Statistics

  • Abortion Statistics also show that the median cost for a medication abortion (commonly known as the abortion pill) is approximately USD 568.
  • This type of abortion is typically used up to 10 weeks of pregnancy and involves taking two different medications to terminate the pregnancy.
  • The median cost for a first-trimester surgical abortion is around USD 625 and is the most common type of surgical abortion, performed up to 13 weeks of pregnancy.
  • However, a second-trimester surgical abortion increases to about USD 775. 

International Abortion Rate Report

CountryRate per1,000 women
per year
Number of abortions
per year
YearAge range
 Cape Verde49.07,1002019[15]15–49
 Trinidad and Tobago48.017,1002019[17]15–49
 Sierra Leone45.082,6002019[19]15–49
 Sao Tome and Principe39.01,9002019[33]15–49
 Dominican Republic37.0101,0002019[39]15–49
 Saint Lucia37.01,9002019[40]15–49
 Papua New Guinea36.077,2002019[42]15–49
 Ivory Coast35.0207,0002019[45]15–49
 East Timor34.010,1002019[50]15–49
 DR Congo33.0593,0002019[53]15–49
 Solomon Islands32.04,9002019[60]15–49
 Puerto Rico31.023,1002019[65]15–49
 South Africa30.0461,0002019[69]15–49
 Burkina Faso30.0136,0002019[70]15–49
 French Guiana29.02,1002019[75]15–49
 Sri Lanka28.0149,0002019[77]15–49
 Central African Republic27.028,5002019[81]15–49
 South Sudan25.063,6002019[88]15–49
 El Salvador24.043,3002019[91]15–49
 South Korea21.050,0002019[96]15–44
 Costa Rica21.027,5002019[98]15–49
 United Kingdom18.6214,2562021[105]
 United States14.4930,1602020[121]15–44
 North Macedonia14.07,3002019[123]15–49
 New Zealand12.013,1002019[130]15–49
 Bosnia and Herzegovina11.08,5002019[135]15–49
 Czech Republic6.416,8862020[127][128]

Level of Satisfaction Among Americans with Abortion Policies

  • By 2023 and 2024, surveys indicated that about 60% of Americans viewed the overturning of Roe v. Wade as a negative development, while approximately 36% saw it as positive.
  • Abortion Statistics As of 2024, satisfaction with abortion policies remains low. Approximately 35% of Americans believe abortion should be legal under any circumstances.
  • Around 50% think it should be legal only under certain circumstances, and 12% believe it should be illegal in all circumstances.
  • The majority (69%) support legal abortions in the first Trimester, but support drops significantly for second (37%) and third (22%) trimester abortions. 

Company’s Product Development Updates for Abortion

  • Extended-Release Mifepristone: 95% success rate
  • Combination Therapies: 98% efficacy rate
  • Sublingual and Buccal Misoprostol: 85% success rate
  • Self-Administered Abortion Kits: 92% satisfaction rate
  • New LARCs: 99.9% efficacy rate (development in 2024, release in 2025)

US Favorability Toward Legalization of Abortion By Reason


(Reference: statista.com)

  • In 2023, around 75% of respondents in the United States believed that abortion should be legal if the pregnancy endangers the woman’s life or health.
  • Furthermore, the proportion of respondents advocating for the legality of abortion in various circumstances in the United States in 2023 can be articulated as legal if the pregnancy is the result is rape (72%), legal for any woman in the first six weeks of pregnancy (59%), legal if the baby is likely to be born with severe disabilities or health problems (56%), Legal in all or most cases (55%), legal for any woman in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy (46%), and legal for any woman is the first 20 weeks of pregnancy (33%).

Reasons for Abortion Statistics

  • Around 40% of respondents cited financial constraints as the primary reason for their decision.
  • Timing and life circumstances were the second most common reason, accounting for 30% of abortions.
  • Issues related to partners played a significant role, with 20% of individuals citing this as their primary reason for seeking an abortion.
  • Health-related reasons accounted for 10% of abortions in 2024.
  • Lastly, a smaller proportion of individuals, approximately 5%, cited other reasons.

Demand Influencing Factors

Socioeconomic Factors

  • Income Levels: Higher-income countries generally have lower abortion rates due to better access to family planning services. For instance, in the United States, the rate is approximately 11.4 per 1,000 women in higher-income brackets.
  • Education: Women with higher levels of education are more likely to use effective contraception, reducing the need for abortions. In countries with higher education levels, such as Germany, the abortion rate is 6 per 1,000 women.

Healthcare Access

  • Contraception Availability: Easy access to a range of contraceptive methods is crucial. Countries with widespread availability of contraception, like the Netherlands, see lower rates (8 per 1,000 women).
  • Healthcare Infrastructure: Strong healthcare systems that provide comprehensive reproductive health services contribute to lower abortion rates. For example, in the U.K., where healthcare is universally accessible, the rate is 17 per 1,000 women.

Cultural and Legal Factors

  • Social Stigma: In societies where abortion is stigmatized, women may seek unsafe abortions, which can affect reported statistics. The rate is difficult to estimate in countries like Poland, where stigma is high.
  • Legal Restrictions: Countries with restrictive laws often have higher rates of unsafe abortions. In Nigeria, the rate of unsafe abortions is estimated to be 25 per 1,000 women.


The 2024 abortion statistics highlight the ongoing need for comprehensive reproductive health services, legal reforms, and public education to address the complex factors influencing abortion rates. By prioritizing access to contraception, improving sex education, and ensuring safe and legal abortion services, we can support individuals’ reproductive rights and improve public health outcomes.

Addressing these issues requires a collaborative effort from governments, healthcare providers, and advocacy groups to create an environment where individuals can make informed decisions about their reproductive health without facing undue barriers or risks.


What are the key demographics of individuals obtaining abortions in 2024?

The majority of individuals obtaining abortions are in their 20s, with a significant proportion being unmarried.

What are the regional variations in abortion rates?

Abortion rates vary significantly across different regions, influenced by legal, cultural, and economic factors.

What are the public health implications of unsafe abortions?

Unsafe abortions contribute significantly to maternal morbidity and mortality. Enhancing the availability and quality of reproductive health services can mitigate these risks and improve overall maternal health outcomes.

What policies and advocacy efforts are needed to improve abortion access?

Effective policies and advocacy efforts should focus on ensuring safe and legal access to abortion services, supporting reproductive rights, providing comprehensive sex education, and ensuring access to contraception.

Maitrayee Dey
Maitrayee Dey

Maitrayee, after completing her graduation in Electrical Engineering, transitioned into the world of writing following a series of technical roles. She specializes in technology and Artificial Intelligence, bringing her experience as an Academic Research Analyst and Freelance Writer, with a focus on education and healthcare under the Australian system. From an early age, writing and painting have been her passions, leading her to pursue a full-time career in writing. In addition to her professional endeavors, Maitrayee also manages a YouTube channel dedicated to cooking.

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