Satellite Launch Statistics By Number of Objects Launched by Year and New Geosynchronous Satellites

Tajammul Pangarkar
Written by
Tajammul Pangarkar

Updated · Mar 28, 2025

Rohan Jambhale
Edited by
Rohan Jambhale


Satellite Launch Statistics By Number of Objects Launched by Year and New Geosynchronous Satellites


Satellite Launch Statistics: ​Satellites serve critical functions, including technology development, Earth observation, communications, space science, and navigation. These artificial objects are launched into space aboard rockets and positioned in various orbits—low Earth orbit (LEO), medium Earth orbit (MEO), and geostationary orbit—depending on their intended applications.

As of June 2024, approximately 11,780 satellites were orbiting Earth. The number of satellites launched annually has surged, with 2,664 objects sent into space in 2023, breaking the previous year’s record. This increase is largely driven by the deployment of large constellations, such as SpaceX’s Starlink, which alone accounted for around 3,500 satellites between 2020 and 2022. The proliferation of satellites underscores their growing importance in advancing global technological capabilities.

General Satellite Launch Statistics

  • As of 2024, a total of 8,135 satellites are active in low Earth orbit (LEO).
  • 552 satellites are operating in geostationary orbits, while 200 satellites are in medium Earth orbit (MEO).
  • 19 satellites are in high Earth orbit (HEO) or graveyard orbits, 5 are in orbital decay, and 11 are marked for reentry.
  • A total of 2,664 satellites were launched globally in 2023, indicating a 19% increase compared to 2022 (Source: BryceTech, 2024).
  • Of all satellites launched in 2023, 94% were classified as small satellites (mass < 600 kg), largely driven by commercial constellation deployments.
  • The United States contributed to 65% of the global satellite launches in 2023, maintaining the leading position among all countries.
  • SpaceX was responsible for 57% of global satellite launches in 2023, deploying over 1,500 Starlink satellites.
  • The commercial sector accounted for 85% of all satellite launches by volume in 2023, highlighting the growing role of private enterprises.
  • Communications satellites made up 35% of satellite payloads, followed by Earth observation at 27%, and technology demonstration at 16%.
  • Reusable launch vehicles were utilized in 39% of all orbital launches globally in 2023, improving launch efficiency and reducing costs.
  • The Asia-Pacific region contributed to 21% of global satellite launches, with China executing 67 successful orbital launches and deploying over 250 satellites.
  • Cubesats constituted 58% of all small satellite deployments in 2023, primarily for applications in research, imaging, and IoT.
  • The average launch cost per satellite in low Earth orbit declined by 23% between 2020 and 2023 due to increased use of rideshare missions and advancements in launch vehicle efficiency.
  • According to Satellite Launch Statistics 2023, a total of 615 satellites were launched into space during the year.

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Top 10 Countries with the Highest Number of Satellites

According to Pixalytics, the following are the top 10 countries with the most satellites in space based on recent Satellite Launch Statistics.

CountryTotal Satellites
United States4,511
United Kingdom561


By Number of Objects Launched By Year

YearObject launched


According to Satellite Launch Statistics, more than 15,000 objects have been launched into space over the last 66 years. The year-on-year progress has significantly increased, and since lockdown, the number of such launches has reached over 1,000.

Top 10 Companies with the Most Satellites Orbiting Earth

DeweSoft listed the top 10 Companies with the most Satellites Orbiting Earth in 2023

CompaniesNumber of Satellites
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)63
Iridium Communications Inc74
The US. Air Force87
Swarm Technologies120
Spire Global Inc121
Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation125
Chinese Ministry of National Defense129
Planet Labs Inc188
OneWeb Satellites288


By Breakdown of Satellites by Purpose

A similar report by Dewesoft explains the share of satellites orbiting in space by their missions based on Satellite Launch Statistics 2023.

PurposeShare of Satellites
Space Science2.3%
Space observation0.22%
Earth Science0.44%
Technology Demonstration0.77%
Navigation/ global positioning3.6%
Technology development7.8%
Earth Observation22.1%


Satellite Launch Statistics By Country

CountryLaunch DateSatellite Name
Soviet Union4 October 1957Sputnik 1
United States1 February 1958Explorer 1
United Kingdom26 April 1962Ariel 1
Canada29 September 1962Alouette 1
Italy15 December 1964San Marco 1
France26 November 1965Astérix
Australia29 November 1967WRESAT
10 European Countries (Denmark, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, France)17 May 1968ESRO 2B
West Germany8 November 1969Azur
Japan11 February 1970Ohsumi
People’s Republic of China24 April 1970Dongfanghong I
Netherlands30 August 1974ANS
Spain15 November 1974Intasat
India19 April 1975Aryabhata
Indonesia8 July 1976Palapa A1
Czechoslovakia24 October 1978Magion 1
Bulgaria7 August 1981Bulgaria 1300
Saudi Arabia8 February 1985Arabsat- 1A
Brazil8 February 1985Brasilsat A1
Mexico17 June 1985Morelos 1
Sweden22 February 1986Viking
Israel19 September 1988Ofek-1
Luxembourg11 December 1988Astra 1A
Argentina22 January 1990Lusat
Hong Kong7 April 1990AsiaSat 1
Pakistan16 July 1990Badr-1
Russia21 January 1992Kosmos 2175
South Korea10 August 1992Kitsat- 1
Portugal26 September 1993PoSAT-1
Thailand18 December 1993Thaicom-1
Turkey10 August 1994Turksat 1B
Czech Republic2 August 1995Magion 4
Ukraine31 August 1995Sich-1
Chile31 August 1995FASat-Alfa
Malaysia13 January 1996MEASAT-1
Norway20 May 1997Thor 2
Philippines20 March 1987Mabuhay (Agila 1)
Philippines19 August 1997Mabuhay (Agila 2)
Egypt28 April 1998Nilesat 101
Singapore / Taiwan25 August 1998ST-1
Taiwan27 January 1999Formosat-1
South Africa23 February 1999SUNSAT
Denmark23 February 1999Ørsted
Georgia17 July 1999Reflektor
United Arab Emirates21 October 2000Thuraya 1
Belgium22 October 2001PROBA-1
Morocco10 December 2001Maroc- Tubsat
Tonga21 February 1981Esiafi 1 (previously Comstar D4)
Algeria28 November 2002AISAT-1
Greece13 May 2003Hellas-Sat 2
Nigeria27 September 2003NigeriaSat-1
Iran27 October 2005Sina- 1
Kazakhstan17 June 2006KazSat-1
Colombia17 April 2007Libertad-1
Mauritius21 December 2007Rascom-QAF 1
Vietnam18 April 2008Vinasat-1
Venezuela29 October 2008Venesat-1
Afghanistan20 December 2008Eutelsat 48D / Afghansat 1
Switzerland23 September 2009SwissCube-1
Singapore20 April 2011X-Sat
Isle of Man19 October 2011ViaSat-1
Hungary13 February 2012MaSat-1
Poland13 February 2012PW-Sat
Romania13 February 2012Goliat
Belarus22 July 2012BelKA-2
North Korea12 December 2012Kwangmyŏngsŏng-3 Unit 2
Azerbaijan7 February 2013Azerspace-1/Africasat-1a
Austria25 February 2013TUGSAT-1/UniBRITE
Bermuda14 July 2000Bermudasat 1 (previously EchoStar VI)
Ecuador26 April 2013NEE-01 Pegaso
Estonia7 May 2013ESTCube-1
Jersey25 June 2013O3b-1/O3b-2/O3b-3/O3b-4
France / Qatar29 August 2013Eutelsat 25B/ Es”hail 1
Qatar29 August 2013Es” hail 1
Peru21 November 2013PUCK-Sat 1 / Pocket- PUCK
Bolivia20 December 2013Túpac Katari 1
Lithuania9 January 2014LitSat-1 / Lituanica SAT-1
Iraq19 June 2014Tigrisat
Uruguay19 June 2014ANTELSAT
Turkmenistan27 April 2015TurkmenAlem52E/MonacoSAT
Laos20 November 2015Laosat-1
Finland18 April 2017Aalto-2
Bangladesh3 June 2017BRAC ONNESHA
Ghana3 June 2017GhanaSat-1
Mongolia3 June 2017Mazaalai (Satellite)
Latvia23 June 2017Venta 1
Slovakia23 June 2017skCUBE
Angola26 December 2017AngoSat 1
New Zealand21 January 2018Humanity Star
Costa Rica2 April 2018Proyecto Irazú
Kenya2 April 20181KUNS-PF
Bhutan29 June 2018Bhutan 1
Jordan3 December 2018JY1-SAT
Nepal17 April 2019NepaliSat-1
Sri Lanka17 April 2019Raavana 1
Rwanda24 September 2019RWASAT-1
Sudan3 November 2019Sudan Remote Sensing Satellite 1 (SRSS-1)
Ethiopia20 December 2019Ethiopia Remote Sensing Satellite 1 (ETRSS-1)
Guatemala7 March 2020Quetzal-1
Slovenia3 September 2020TRISAT
Slovenia3 September 2020NEMO-HD
Monaco3 September 2020OMS-1 Cicero
Paraguay20 February 2021GuaraniSat-1
Myanmar20 February 2021Lawkanat- 1
Tunisia22 March 2021Challenge- 1
Kuwait30 June 2021QMR-KWT
Bahrain / United Arab Emirates21 December 2021Light-1
Armenia / Spain25 May 2022ARMSAT_1
Moldova15 July 2022TUMnanoSAT
Uganda7 November 2022PearlAfricaSat-1
Zimbabwe7 November 2022ZIMSAT-1
Albania3 January 2023Albania – 1 & Albania – 2
Vatican City / Italy12 June 2023SpeiSat
Oman11 November 2023AMAN-1
Djibouti11 November 2023Djibouti-1A
Armenia1 December 2023Hayasat-1
Ireland1 December 2023EIRSAT-1


Number of Satellites Cataloged, Decayed, and On-Orbit


According to Statista Research 2023, around 26,700 satellites orbited Earth at the beginning of the previous year, a 6.8% increase compared to 2022. Overall, segments such as cataloged, decayed, and on-orbit have shown a significant increase in the number of satellites concerning Satellite Launch Statistics.

By First Orbital Launches By Country

OrderCountryGovernmentRocketSatelliteDateLaunch Site
1Soviet UnionGovernmentSputnik PSSputnik 14 October 1957Kazakhstan, formerly Baikonur, Soviet Union
2United StatesGovernment


Juno IExplorer 1Cape Canaveral, USA1 February 1958


Diamant AAstérixHamaguir, Algeria26 November 1965


Lambda-4SOhsumi11 February, 1970Uchinoura, Japan


Long March 1Dong Fang Hong 124 April, 1970Jiuquan, China
6United KingdomGovernmentBlack ArrowProspero28 October 1971Woomera, Australia
European Space AgencyGovernmentAriane 1CAT-1 (Obélix)24 December 1979Kourou, French Guiana
7IndiaGovernmentSLVRohini 1 (RS1)18 July 1980Sriharikota, India
8IsraelGovernmentShavitOfeq 119 September 1988Palmachim, Israel
UkraineGovernmentTsyklon- 3Strela-3 (x6, Russian)28 September 1991Russia, formerly Plesetsk, Soviet Union
9IranGovernmentSafir- 1AOmid2 February, 2009Semnan, Iran
10North KoreaGovernmentUnha-3Kwangmyǒngsǒng- 3 Unit 212 December 2012Sohae, North Korea
11South KoreaGovernmentNaro-1STSat-2c30 January 2013Goheung, South Korea


By New Geosynchronous Satellites

Based on a report, Space Activities in 2023, by Jonathan McDowell, the following chart explains the geostationary satellites launched in the mentioned year, ordered by longitude.

Galaxy 372023-112AHorizons/Intelsat SA (US)Communications127.02W
Jupiter 32023-108AEchostar/HNS/EchostarCommunications95.19W
Galaxy 352022-170AIntelsat SA (US)Communications93.13W
Intelsat IS-40e2023-052AIntelsat SA (US)Communications91.03W
Galaxy 362022-170BIntelsat SA (US)Communications88.96W
Viasat-3 Americas2023-060AViaSatCommunications88.88W
Amazonas Nexus2023-017AHispamar/HispasatCommunications60.99W
 Meteosat 122022-170CEUMETSATWeather3.54W
Luch-5Kh No. 32023-031AFSBCom/Sigint2.66E
EUTELSAT 10B2022-157AEutelsatSACommunications9.98E
CBAS 22023-008AUSSF SSCCommunications24.36E
 Badr 82023-075AArabsatCommunications25.96E
Ludi Tance 4A2023-120ACNSARadar Imaging89.60E
Zhongxing 6E2023-172AChina SatcomCommunications115.53E
Yaogan 412023-197APLA GAD/CASTImaging123.26E
Zhongxing 262023-023AChina SatcomCommunications125.13E
Gao Fen 13-022023-036AYaogan ZongtiImaging146.66E
Beidou DW 562023-066ACNSANavigation160.07E
 G-Space 12023-060CGravity SpaceCommunications165.49E
Elektro-L No. 42023-016ARosgidromet/LavochkinWeather165.81E
Tongxin Jishu Shiyan 102023-169APLA SSFEarly Warn173.26E
USA 3402022-144EUSSF SSC/Millenium ESTechnologyDrift orbit
LINUSS12022-144GLMSS DenverTechnologyDrift orbit
 LINUSS22022-144HLMSS DenverTechnologyDrift orbit
Shi Jian 232023-002APLA SSFCommunicationsDrift orbit
LDPE 3A2023-008BAFRL/RVTechnologyDrift orbit
Chandrayaan-32023-098AISROPlanetaryDeparted GEO region
 Aditya-L12023-132AISROAstronomyDeparted GEO region
Syracuse 4B2023-093BDGACommunicationsOrbit raising
Apstar 6E2023-005AAPT ShenzhenCommunicationsOrbit raising


India Satellite Launch Statistics

  • India generated USD 143 million in foreign exchange revenue by launching 393 foreign satellites between 2015 and 2024.
  • These satellites were launched for 34 countries using ISRO’s PSLV, LVM3, and SSLV launch vehicles.
  • Out of the total, 232 satellites were launched for the United States, 83 for the United Kingdom, and 19 for Singapore, with others from countries including Canada, South Korea, Luxembourg, Italy, Germany, France, Japan, Israel, and the UAE.
  • Additionally, 3 Indian customer satellites were commercially launched during this period.
  • India has signed space cooperation agreements with 61 countries and 5 multilateral organizations.
  • The major areas of international space collaboration include satellite remote sensing, navigation, communication, space science, planetary exploration, and capacity building.
  • In 2023, ISRO achieved a successful soft landing on the Moon’s South Pole through the Chandrayaan-3 mission.
  • Also in 2023, India launched its first solar mission, Aditya L1.
Why in the news?India Generated $143 Million by Launching Foreign Satellites Since 2015
Revenue GeneratedUSD 143 million
Total Satellites Launched393 foreign satellites from 34 countries + 3 Indian customer satellites
Leading CountriesUS (232), UK (83), Singapore (19), Canada (8), Korea (5), Germany (3), Japan (2), UAE (1), etc.
Launch Vehicles UsedPSLV, LVM3, and SSLV
Space Agreements61 countries and 5 multilateral bodies
Key MissionsChandrayaan-3, Aditya L1, Gaganyaan, Bharatiya Antariksha Station (by 2035), Indian Moon Mission (by 2040)`
Private Sector GrowthOpened to private companies in 2020; major growth in space startups
  • The Gaganyaan Mission, India’s first manned space mission, is scheduled for 2025, with astronauts receiving training in Russia.
  • India has announced plans to establish the Bharatiya Antariksha Station (Indian Space Station) by 2035.
  • The country also aims to send its first astronaut to the Moon by 2040, marking another milestone in its expanding space ambitions.


The future of satellites is brimming with possibilities. As seen in these Satellite Launch Statistics, from revolutionizing communication networks to aiding scientific discovery and exploration, satellites will continue to play a transformative role in our lives.

As we venture further into space, responsible development, and international collaboration will be key to ensuring a sustainable and peaceful future for space exploration and the benefits it brings to humanity.


Which country has the most satellites in space?

According to Satellite Launch Statistics 2024, the United States of America has the most satellites orbiting in space

What is the cost of launching a satellite in space?

According to HowStuffWorks, it requires around $10 million to $400 million to launch satellites in space. However, the amount depends on the vehicle type.

What type of satellite has the highest share in orbit?

Satellites that provide communications all over the world have a major share in orbit with 63%.

Tajammul Pangarkar
Tajammul Pangarkar

Tajammul Pangarkar is the co-founder of a PR firm and the Chief Technology Officer at Prudour Research Firm. With a Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology from Shivaji University, Tajammul brings over ten years of expertise in digital marketing to his roles. He excels at gathering and analyzing data, producing detailed statistics on various trending topics that help shape industry perspectives. Tajammul's deep-seated experience in mobile technology and industry research often shines through in his insightful analyses. He is keen on decoding tech trends, examining mobile applications, and enhancing general tech awareness. His writings frequently appear in numerous industry-specific magazines and forums, where he shares his knowledge and insights. When he's not immersed in technology, Tajammul enjoys playing table tennis. This hobby provides him with a refreshing break and allows him to engage in something he loves outside of his professional life. Whether he's analyzing data or serving a fast ball, Tajammul demonstrates dedication and passion in every endeavor.

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